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This advertisement is displayed when there is no update for a certain period of time.
It will return to non-display when content update is done.
Also, it will always be hidden when becoming a premium user.
速報担当 RES
1.3 大串
2.6 服部
3.5 奥山
4.2 櫻井
5.8 三舩
6.4 向井
7.7 鬼頭
8.1 照沼
9.9 門野

試合開始時刻 8:49
2024/09/28(土) 18:49 No.2455 EDIT DEL
Sponsored link

This advertisement is displayed when there is no update for a certain period of time.
It will return to non-display when content update is done.
Also, it will always be hidden when becoming a premium user.